Full Book Catalog: 8 Titles

This is the official catalog for all my book-length works, either authored or edited. The list below will always have the latest editions and will be expanded as new projects are completed. With one specific exception—where the list below links to PolarTREC, an approved website—I should warn that books bearing my name from elsewhere in the Internet may not necessarily be up-to-date.

If you enjoy my work, the best way to patronize me is to buy my books—in print format—from my official bookstore at the Blurb website, located at http://www.blurb.com/user/caussade/. As of February 2021 four of the books on the list below are available to order in print from Blurb, and the complete catalog should eventually be available in print.

A Puerto Rican in the South Pole A Puerto Rican in the South Pole
Authored by Armando Caussade. Foreword by James M. Madsen.

Fourth edition, published June 24, 2020.
244 pages. English. ISBN–13: 978-0-9962800-9-9.
Buy printed book from Blurb. Download free PDF from PolarTREC.

After a competitive review process the author was selected as a participant for the 2014–2015 Antarctic field season of PolarTREC. In January 2015 he traveled to the Amundsen–Scott South Pole station to conduct maintenance and support work at the IceCube Neutrino Observatory—a memorable experience which is the subject of this book. Now available in print.

Un pedacito del universo Un pedacito del universo
Authored by Armando Caussade. Foreword by Daniel R. Altschuler.

Fifth edition, published May 7, 2020.
148 pages. Spanish. ISBN–13: 978-0-9962800-6-8
Buy printed book from Blurb. Download free PDF here.

Este libro presenta una recopilación de venticuatro artículos sobre astronomía, todos redactados en español, consiguiendo así una puesta en orden de la dispersa bibliografía del autor. Constituye un intento de llevar la ciencia al público, comunicada en lenguaje sencillo y de un modo ameno. Hay aquí algo para todos, incluyendo aquellas personas que nunca hayan sentido un apego especial hacia la ciencia. Disponible como libro impreso.

Astronomía descriptiva Astronomía descriptiva
Authored by Armando Caussade.

Second edition, published April 30, 2020.
244 pages. Spanish. ISBN–13: 978-0-9962800-4-4.
Buy printed book from Blurb.

Este libro es una referencia para cursos de astronomía descriptiva, que también sirve como introducción a la astronomía dirigida al público. Atendiendo a la demanda, está escrito completamente en español. Su redacción concisa empleando lenguaje sencillo, y abundantes ilustraciones a página completa, aseguran una lectura placentera. Disponible como libro impreso.

The Infrared Album Ramblings from the Universe
Authored by Armando Caussade.

First edition, published December 30, 2019.
76 pages. English. ISBN–13: 978-0-9962800-3-7
Buy printed book from Blurb.

This is a compilation of articles on astronomy that I have written over the years. The primary goal is to bring some order to my published material and thus make it more accessible to interested readers. Another objective is to bring science to the people and make it enjoyable. If topics like asteroid impacts, exoplanets and the Milky Way galaxy attract your curiosity, you are in for some enlightening reading. Now available in print.

Panorama de la astronomía Panorama de la astronomía
Authored by Armando Caussade.

Second edition, published December 4, 2017.
192 pages. Spanish. ISBN–13: 978-0-9971755-7-8.
Out of print since April 30, 2019; no longer available.

Un texto de referencia para cursos de astronomía descriptiva, que también sirve como una introducción a la astronomía dirigida al gran público. Con solo 192 páginas, el libro fue concebido para leerse con facilidad. Su redacción concisa, con lenguaje sencillo y abundantes ilustraciones, aseguran una lectura placentera. Disponible gratis en formato digital.

Víctor Román Cordero Víctor Román Cordero
Edited by A. Caussade, J.A. Gómez, J.A. Peña-Hevia, J. Villafañe-Ríos.

First edition, published February 12, 2016.
154 pages. Mostly Spanish, some English. ISBN–13: 978-0-9971755-0-9.
Download free PDF here.

Víctor Román Cordero, astrónomo puertorriqueño, dedicó su vida a lo que más amaba: a contemplar el universo y a enseñar públicamente cuanto observaba mediante su telescopio. Esta obra presenta el homenaje de sus parientes, amigos y de todos aquellos que llegaron a conocerle.

The Infrared Album The Infrared Album
Authored by Armando Caussade.

First edition, published November 30, 2015.
88 pages. English. ISBN–13: 978-0-9962800-2-0.
Download free PDF here.

This photo book contains 32 near-infrared images obtained with a Wratten 87 filter, which blocks the full spectrum of visible light. What makes this different from other compilations is that each infrared shot comes together with its visible light counterparts. This book also runs counter to prevailing trends, as all renderings of the infrared are strictly in grayscale.

La España inmortal La España inmortal
Authored by Antonio Vaquer (1883–1974). Edited and revised by Armando Caussade.

Third edition, published October 30, 2015.
92 pages. Spanish. ISBN–13: 978-0-9962800-1-3.
Download free PDF here.

Durante la Guerra Civil española (1936 a 1939), Antonio Vaquer —español natural de Mallorca y domiciliado en Puerto Rico— escribió varias cartas y ensayos que aparecieron en la prensa de Puerto Rico. Ardiente defensor de Franco y de la causa nacionalista española, empleó en múltiples ocasiones su pluma contra el Frente Popular.